near coldwater creek
near alona bay
near katherine cove
bathtub island
bathtub island 2
north of montreal river
north of batchewana bay
old woman bay
haviland bay
south point of agawa bay
lake superior shoreline

Lake Superior

I have done a lot of camping on the shores of Lake Superior, it is like a spiritual home for me.

I never know what I will find to photograph as the scene is always changing. I photograph what I am interested in. The light and the water are constantly in flux.

Some of these photographs were created with a 4 X 5 inch camera on positive film. To shoot with a large format camera is so different than using 35 mm or digital camera. One needs to be very considered and patient when using this type of camera, it makes one slow down and really look and take care with what is being photographed.

all images © 2024 tim harris